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Defining Creativity Podcast             [August 9, 2022]

S1E6: An Education Consultant—Master Teacher—Mentor—
           Facilitator—Peacekeeper's Definition of Creativity with:

Cindy Ripley

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Cindy Ripley, a nationally recognized educational consultant and master teacher, takes on additional roles as mentor, facilitator and peacekeeper as she dons various hats. Cindy’s enthusiasm for connection is evident—eliminating barriers of culture, experience, age, or any other roadblock encountered, while fostering community. Any interaction or discussion with Cindy shows clearly that her actions illustrate what her website clearly states: “Cindy fervently believes that all individuals are inherently creative. Her passion for excellence is her trademark as she celebrates the spirit within all of us.”

“We tap into however anybody wants to connect with an art that helps them see the world with a little more… —a broader lens.”


                                                               -Cindy Ripley

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